The best time of year for fishing in the Brenta river is the start of the fishing season, before the snow starts to melt. The most common fish are marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) which is the queen of our river, the genuine Brenta fish, a native fish whose biggest failing is reproducing only in the wild, not when farmed (by insemination) which is instead possible for brown trout (Salmo trutta), that are very common, or rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mikiss), introduced from America. The grayling (Thymallus thymallus) is also common in these clean waters, while the European bullhead (Cottus gobio), and the more familiar Padanian goby (Pado-gobius martensii), have become rarer, having once been caught in shallow waters, by flipping over stones and spearing them with homemade harpoons.